ZO Skin Health Daily Skincare Programme | Face Medical

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Zo Skin Health: The Getting Skin Ready Skincare Programme

Maintaining good skin health can be hugely important to our overall confidence and self-esteem, especially when the signs of ageing begin to stake more of a claim on how we look. Over time, our faces become more vulnerable to damage at the hands of both internal and external forces, which means that common conditions and concerns as varied as acne, rosacea and pigmentation can appear more prominently and seem impossible to control.

At Face Medical in Heywood, not only do we provide a series of aesthetic treatments to improve the overall appearance and condition of the skin, but we’re also proud to offer several products from the esteemed ZO Skin Health range to each and every patient, with the Getting Skin Ready skincare programme amongst our most popular premium skincare options.

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Before taking advantage of this sophisticated skincare programme, all of our patients are required to join one of our in-house experts for a comprehensive skincare consultation. This will give us an opportunity to develop an understanding of who you are as an individual, the steps you would like to take to achieve your perfect look and conduct a thorough assessment of your skin. From here, we will put together a bespoke treatment plan based around your individual concerns and requirements and make a series of our own recommendations. As the Getting Skin Ready programme is composed of many different products, we will point you towards those we feel would be best suited to you and provide detailed instructions on how best to integrate these into your daily skincare routine.

We offer The Observ Skin Scanner, an innovative skin analysis system designed to give us an in-depth understanding of the health of your skin. Over the course of a thorough consultation, this will enable our experts to study and diagnose skin irregularities in greater detail than ever before and allow them to develop more accurate and finely-tuned treatment plans for all of our patients.

Individual Treatment Programme

During your consultation, we will advise you on which products from the Getting Skin Ready programme we feel would be most beneficial to your skincare needs, taking care to tailor our recommendations to both your skin type and individual concerns. As a programme dedicated to helping you to maintain your skin health and restore the skin to its optimum condition, the products contained within this advanced system have been carefully designed to remove impurities, clear away dead skin cells, accelerate the process of cell renewal and prime your skin for the full absorption of any ZO Skin Health products that you may use in the future.

Providing you use the products that comprise the Getting Skin Ready programme as instructed, you’ll be able to see and feel a real change in the condition and appearance of your skin over time, with persistent concerns, problems with hydration and sensitivity and uneven tone and texture quickly becoming things of the past.

As part of this programme we will ask you to return to the clinic within 14 days of starting to reassess your skin and treat you to a complimentary Stimulator Peel. This treatment is complemented with the award winning DERMALUX LED Phototherapy treatment, which revitalises and regenerates skin for a more youthful complexion. DERMALUX LED Phototherapy is clinically proven to improve spot prone skin and accelerate the natural healing process.

Further Advice

By embracing ZO Skin Health’s Getting Skin Ready programme, you’ll have taken your first steps to independently managing your own individual skincare needs. However, if you find that any problems are persisting or feel that the products recommended to you aren’t as effective as they could be, we’ll always be on hand to answer any questions you may have and will be more than happy to make any changes to your treatment plan following further assessment.

After your program has been completed, we encourage you to continue using your prescribed skin products to help maintain the results of your treatment. It is also possible to schedule a follow-up treatment to ensure the effects of your treatment last long into the future!

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How soon until I see results?

Providing you follow all recommendations and instructions, results should become noticeable a few weeks into your treatment plan. If you are unsatisfied with these, we’ll be more than happy to offer further advice.

How much does the Getting Skin Ready programme cost?

This may vary depending on the products featured in your individual treatment plan. This will be discussed with you during your free consultation.

Is the Getting Skin Ready programme for me?

As a means of restoring your skin to its best condition and ensuring it functions as well as it can, the Getting Skin Ready programme is the ideal system for those struggling to manage any number of skin conditions or issues relating to the natural process of ageing.

Can the Getting Skin Ready programme be used with other treatments?

Yes. One of the benefits of this advanced system is how it gets the skin ready for any future ZO Skin Health products and programmes, meaning that younger-looking, more vibrant and blemish-free skin is a much more realistic possibility for each and every patient wishing to embark on their individual ZO Skin Health journey.