The Observ Skin Scanner | Face Medical

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The Observ Skin Scanner

At Face Medical, we are always looking for ways to improve our consultation process and offer you the best treatment plan possible. Like you, we know the discomfort that skin issues can cause and how they can affect everyone differently. And, whether these problems emerge as a result of sun damage or hormonal imbalance, it’s important to remember that there is no such thing as a universal skin treatment.

Although we can’t provide you with a single product that fixes every individual skin concern, we are proud to be able to offer The Observ Skin Scanner, an innovative skin analysis system designed to give us an in-depth understanding of the health of your skin. Over the course of a thorough consultation, this will enable our experts to study and diagnose skin irregularities in greater detail than ever before and allow them to develop more accurate and finely-tuned treatment plans for all of our patients.

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At Face Medical, we never issue a product or treatment without carrying out an extensive consultation with the client. This gives us the opportunity to assess the health of your skin, listen to your thoughts and recommend the best possible treatment plan. The Observ Skin Scanner consultation is free to all patients.


Observ was developed as a means of optically examining skin at a deeper level and enables our Face Medical professionals to make more informed decisions about your skin. Many common skin conditions originate from these deep layers of skin, and are often difficult to spot on the strength of the human eye alone. The Observ Skin Scanner procedure takes approximately 15-20 minutes and is completely pain-free. Before this procedure begins, you will need to remove any makeup. One of our trained experts will then ask you to place your chin on a chin rest inside the scanner and close your eyes. Six lights will then flash and you will be told when you can open your eyes and remove your chin from the chin rest. Your results will be available instantly.

Advanced technology

Observ isn’t just used for diagnosis - it also provides us with the technology to track your treatment progress in more detail than ever before. We can now take photos at certain intervals of your treatment and compare them with those taken before, providing you with visual evidence that our treatment is doing exactly what we promised. This will be delivered directly to you via email. At Face Medical, we promise to support you through every step of your skincare journey, making adjustments until you see results that you are happy with.

Observ can help us identify a plethora of skin conditions, including:

  • Rosacea
  • Sun damage
  • Clogged pores
  • Dehydrated skin
  • Wrinkle formations
  • Diminished circulation
  • Sensitive skin
  • Lipid dry skin

All of our consultations are free of charge and give you the opportunity to speak to an expert about your personal health, needs and requirements. You will receive your results almost instantaneously, and one of our healthcare experts will be happy to discuss them with you.

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Why choose Observ?

This sophisticated system allows us to create a bespoke skincare treatment plan based on a technical analysis of the deeper layers of your skin. You will be asked to keep your eyes closed throughout the procedure, and this will take approximately 15-20 minutes. Your results will be instantly available for you and your practitioner to discuss.

Is the procedure painful?

No. This scanner works by shining different lights at your face. The hardest part of the procedure is keeping your eyes closed whilst the Observ does its job!

Is it available to everyone?

The Observ Skin Scanner is available to anyone and everyone, free of charge. However, if you are sensitive to light or have epilepsy, we would recommend contacting your doctor before the consultation.