Get the Christmas glow with Profhilo | Face Medical

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Get the Christmas glow with Profhilo

Those who regularly rejuvenate their appearance with this revolutionary injectable treatment will happily tell you they love its undetectable results and its natural ability to restore the look and feel of the skin.

So, what is Profhilo?

For those of you who haven’t yet discovered the wonder that is Profhilo, let us tell you what it’s all about.

Profhilo is an injectable skin treatment that works to restore firmer, fuller skin. You may have heard this being said of dermal fillers, but Profhilo works differently. It’s a biostimulator that increases levels of Hyaluronic Acid (HA), collagen and elastin to rebuild the natural structure of the skin. This treatment is frequently referred to as working from the inside out, which is true as it’s the quality of the internal tissues that ensures how it looks and feels on the outside. 

How is it administered?

At Face Medical we use a fine needle to apply Profhilo. We select the most appropriate points of injection at a thorough consultation, which are mapped out on the face with Bio Aesthetic Points (BAP) to ensure we improve the appearance in the right places. We use two syringes, one for each side of the face, carefully administering Profhilo deeply into the dermis. From here, it will slowly disperse within the tissues where it draws moisture and holds on to it, increasing hydration as well as encouraging the production of four different types of collagen and elastin.

What are the results?

Profhilo will take up to 5 days to fully distribute through the tissues. This is when the fibres will start to become tighter and the skin will begin to feel firmer. Although you may notice a slight improvement very soon after the first treatment, the process of lifting, smoothing and tightening the skin can take up to 4 weeks to develop, with a second session being necessary at around this time to produce the best result possible. 

Will Profhilo give me a Christmas glow?

As two treatments are often recommended, and we need to leave a 4 week gap between sessions, you could have completed your course of Profhilo if you book into Face Medical now! Your appearance will be looking much more youthful and radiant by the time the Yuletide festivities begin, appearing even more vibrant by New Year.

To find more about Profhilo, contact the clinic today! 

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