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At Face Medical Beauty Clinic, residents of Saddleworth can get dermal fillers to enhance their natural good looks quickly and painlessly.
We use two kinds of dermal fillers: Juvederm Vycross and Ultra Range as well as the Belotero Range.
Both these products were chosen for their effectiveness and their proven record when it comes to safety. They are also based on a natural substance, so you have nothing to worry about in terms of side effects.
Dermal fillers are available to people in Saddleworth and nearby, the treatments helping with a range of conditions as well as for aesthetic enhancements including:
Contact us now on 01706 691683 to book your free consultation with one of our experienced, expert team or send us an email with the details of the kind of enhancements you desire.
Nearby help
Seeking your dermal fillers at the Face Medical Beauty Clinic holds a number of advantages for Saddleworth residents. This civil parish is an easy commute from our centre in Lancashire, so coming for the various stages of treatment will not be a hassle.
Safe and painless
You can rest assured that the procedure will be safe and virtually free of pain with us. Our products are sourced from reputable manufacturers. Furthermore, our dermal fillers are based on a natural substance.
Dermal fillers in Saddleworth
We use fillers from the Juvederm Vycross and Ultra Range and the Belotero Range which are based on hyaluronic acid.
Due to the fact that our dermal fillers are made from a natural substance, you won’t have to worry about side effects, you can return to Saddleworth dimply feeling great. The redness and burning sensation experienced immediately after treatment will wear off quickly.
You can also ask any questions, before the treatment or after; we have huge experience and pride ourselves inputting clients at ease.
Good looks that last
Administration of the filler is done in small quantities and using a very fine needle so the pain is minimal. This procedure lasts 30 minutes or less but the effects can remain for up to a year. To enjoy their natural good looks for longer, many opt to return for treatment after six months.
Part of the initial consultation will be to take all your needs in to account so we can suggest the best course of treatment, both in the short term and also how regularly you might want to consider further treatments.
Email us now to book your free consultation or give us a buzz on 01706 691683 to discuss your treatment options with our agents.