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Category: Conditions

Face medical’s guide to understanding acne

24th April 2024

Face medical’s guide to understanding acne

Acne is a common skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide, yet it remains misunderstood by many.

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Face Medical - The start of a new year always brings skincare into focus

9th January 2024

The start of a new year always brings skincare into focus

Achieving incredible skin is a popular New Year’s resolution, and our patients are often looking for advice when it comes to choosing the right skincare regime.

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Face Medical - The role of Collagen blog

15th November 2023

The role of Collagen in the skin

Collagen, often referred to as the body's structural scaffold, plays an important role in maintaining the health, elasticity, and youthful appearance of the skin.

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Face Medical - Top 5 Skin Concerns in the UK

25th July 2023

Top 5 Skin Concerns in the UK

It’s very common for both men and women to be unhappy with their complexion. In general this refers to its appearance which often goes hand-in-hand with how it feels.

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