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With Genuine Dermaroller and EDS DermaStamp
We all have those bugbears that affect our confidence, whether it’s fine lines around the eyes, a dull complexion or maybe acne scars and stretch marks.
What we all want is to be able to tackle those issues safely, without too much discomfort or downtime, and without the worry of the results looking unnatural and obvious. Well, with professional skin needling, all of those things are within your reach.
Our needle treatment stimulates natural responses within your skin that over time help to regenerate it, leaving you with natural, long-lasting and outstanding results for:
As you get older your skin’s processes become less effective, which is when it begins to show visible signs of ageing. It produces less elastin and collagen, which keeps your skin smooth and firm.
How professional skin needling works
Professional skin needling produces thousands of micro-needle columns in the skin, which in turn stimulates the skin to naturally regenerate and repair itself.
The holes close up quickly while your skin’s natural processes are kick-started under the surface. As part of this stimulation new collagen can be formed, new skin cells generated and the structure of the dermis, the lower level of the skin, enhanced. This natural process takes time, so it can take up to six weeks before you see significant results – although the process will continue over the following months and several treatments are usually required.
The results are not only smoother, brighter rejuvenated skin, but it can also lead to an improvement in the appearance of acne scars and stretch marks.
There are two treatment options for professional skin needling, EDS® Regenerate or GD® Regenerate. EDS Regenerate uses the leading electronically powered device to stimulate the epidermis and dermis, allowing your practitioner to control the intensity and needle length throughout the procedure to maximise results. EDS Regenerate is also considered to be a more comfortable treatment than manual skin-needling.
GD Regeneration uses the same high-quality sterile needles but is performed using the manual Genuine Dermaroller®. Your skin practitioner will choose the best treatment for your skin, but rest assured, both treatment devices have been through the strictest quality control system to ensure a safe and thorough procedure.
Before your treatment is started your skin will be numbed with topical anaesthetic, so you’ll remain comfortable throughout. The actual treatment will take around 20 minutes depending on the area of skin that’s being treated – overall your appointment is likely to last just one hour – nothing when you consider the results that you’ll see! The recommended treatment course is usually three treatments at about six weeks apart.
After the treatment your skin will remain red, looking a lot like moderate sunburn, for around 24-36 hours.
We may recommend applying Control Tactics™, a soothing and calming gel, following your procedure – you will continue to use this at home until the redness subsides.